Friday, 8 October 2010

The ex...

Boys and girls, we've all had it. You get together, you split up and the next time you meet is impossibly uncomfortable. Today I had that.

Let's start with a little history. I've only had two other relationships before my current one. The first was a secondary school romance that never really went beyond hand holding. That ended by text at a dungeons & dragons session. Yes it was that childish, but me and that ex are on good terms. We both know that we were just silly little kids and it just wasn't working out.

The second... well that was more complicated. She went to the same secondary school as me, a year above, and to college. We were good friends. She was the nervous, soft hearted, downtrodden girl and I was the smart, quiet nerd. It fitted.
I used to be quite unemotional so we decided to have an open relationship. I was mature enough to handle that... She was not.
After a while she started going out with my best friend. He lived near her while she was at uni so it was better. I was fine with that and here at home I developed a crush on my now wife. Everything was fine and dandy until I told her.

She said she was fine with it and I didn't feel like I was going to act on it so I thought everything was ok. I was wrong. Every time she got upset she would accuse me of cheating or hint at it (We were in an open relationship remember). After a large strop about a valentines card that she didn't think existed she dumped me, over text. She quoted the bible at me and said awful things and finally said it was over.

It doesn't end there. My friend is polygamous and had another girlfriend. Everything was going fine for them and I gave them my blessing, but my ex was having none of it. She would threaten him, attack him and psychologically wear him down. She even tried to knife him.
Finally even he snapped, separating from her with the help of his other girlfriend. We all realised my ex's problem. She didn't like you paying attention to anyone but her and I she couldn't have you to herself no one could. She was a dangerous woman and we were all glad to be free of her.

I haven't even mentioned how she split a close group of friends apart. Manipulating us all into hating each other. Even now we're not the close group we used to be and this is years later.

Well, today I saw her. I've avoided her before but today there she was. This woman who almost destroyed so many lives and tried to knife a friend.
She was quiet and meek, asking if me and my wife were still together (our wedding anniversary is this month) and trying to be friendly.
I wasn't rude or angry, but I do now know every detail of my boots, and was so glad when we could get on the bus and away from her. I showered when I got home.
I hold no ill will to her, I'm not like that. I hope she lives out the rest of her life happily, and that she never hurts another person like she did us. I just hope I never see her ever again.

So everyone, there it is, my story. I hope none of you ever go through something like that.
Next time you see one of your ex boyfriend's/girlfriend's think of this and hold no ill will, just walk away and know you'll never have to go through that again.

Tell me your stories.

1 comment:

  1. Sweety, you have captivated a painful and dark chapter in our inter-related histories in a way I struggle too. Thank you so very much for that. I'm sorry you've had to deal with her again, I guess I'm just fortunate I remained in Wales when she fled back to Shropshire.

    I do try to not bare ill will, but I'm equally still frightened when I see the man I was starting to become...

    - Wolfie
