Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Prudishness Vs modesty in the modern world.

Lets start, this one probably wont end up being PG like my last set of blogs so turn back now if you're feeling sensitive. I'm serious...

So, sex. We see it everywhere nowadays. We see it in soaps that are shown in the middle of the day, adverts that are shown before school hours, even in the news. Is it prudish for me not to want to see this sort of thing at those times? I don't think so. I could ramble on about thinking of the children and their innocent minds, but let's face it, most seven year olds know what sex is. This is not my problem though. Personally I do not feel comfortable seeing two people being passionate before I've even had my breakfast.

Does that make me prudish? Or has our world become so sexualised that we're all fine with that sort of thing being shown. I have no problem what you do in your own home, or business, but I do not want this sort of thing shoved in my face.

Where does it end? I'm one of those people that has a kinky side (worry not I never plan to go into detail) and I see it as normal. But I definitely wouldn't want it shown on prime time TV, in a way that is either positive or negative.  I'd love it if BDSM wasn't so demonised in the media as I've seen many loving D/S relationships. But I don't want it to be used as marketing.

This isn't just the media though. This is the way we talk and the way we dress. From facebook groups that are a little too explicit for a site that lets thirteen year olds on to those tiny little skirts you see said thirteen year olds in. It's not nice to see. The problem is that it's not entirely these kids fault. Have you tried to shop for a top that doesn't have a neckline down to your belly button, or a skirt that goes down to your knees, that isn't intended to hug you so tight you can see the detail of your behind? It's almost impossible. Ten years ago designers marketing this sort of things to kids would have been locked up.

So is my opinion prudish? Is holding on to the last few threads of modesty prudish? Or should I just say forget it and just go out in fet' gear?

I think I'll keep to my blouses and skirts.

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