Friday, 12 November 2010

Is it racism? Political corectness vs sense.

Is this racism if... Yes, nowadays we all ask ourselves that once in a while. Time to put a simple answer to it.
Probably not actually, but we're made to feel that way.
Let me give you an example:
Say I do not want to serve that specific middle eastern person in the que. On the face of it that would be racist, right? Ok, let's elaborate. Say said middle eastern person always kicks up a fuss and can get borderline abusive to whoever serves them. Would that still be racist ? Some would still say yes but I believe that's wrong. I do not see race, I never have. I see: human, nice person, utter twat, imposing person, cheery person.
You may ask what's brought this up. Well yesterday, all over facebook people were copy pasteing hatred against all Muslims because a tiny minority chose not to observe the two minutes silence. This, I'm sorry, definitely is racist. To pidgin hole an entire religious following because of the actions of a small few just is.
It ticks me off that due to the political climate people say it's ok to do that and hide behind so called 'britishness'. It's not British to be a racist bitch being one of the most multicultural islands in the world.

Maybe it's just the equalist in me but it seems very unfair. We still have a dictatorship in China (you know what? I'll come back to that later) but you don't see hate spread across a social networking site for that. People are starving, being tortured, and killed every day due to the actions of the few and we don't see that either. Maybe it makes us uncomfortable talking about true atrocities instead of childish crap that doesn't mean a thing in the long run.

Ok, I said I'd come back to the subject of China and I will.
I'll begin with this: China is not, by definition, communist. Just because they say they are does not mean it is true. Communism is a movement where everyone is equal: they have equal rights, equal monetary value, equal responsibility and equal say. Does this sound like China to you? No? Didn't think so.
You ask why I'm getting my panties in a twist about this, well I'm sick of the majority thinking that communism is an inherently evil thing. It's not, it's a wonderful thing it's just 90% of humans cannot do it due to greed. It's the whole Animal farm scenario.
Just remember, in true communism some animals are not more equal than others.

That's all I can say on politics really as our country doesn't have a , main three, party I'd care to ever vote for again. They're all liers and conmen.

Well there's me on politics and race, I'll get to sexism another time.
So, boys and girls, have you been racist lately? 

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The importance of being pampered.

Yes boys and girls even I need a pamper day once in a while.
A hot shower, a pot full of fruit and nut scrub (not chocolate but it smells yummy, can be bought from Animal aid I think. Not a fan of the literature but I LOVE their products.), some rockstar soap (from Lush) and a ginger and lilly scented soy candle (from Hub). Only the best.
It all makes you feel refreshed and ready for the world, and ready for housework.

Let's face it, housework isn't fun in any way shape or form but having a little pamper session makes it all bearable. Plus it re-energises you when you really cannot be bothered with the world. And it's not just for the girls. Guys can enjoy a good scrub down too, in fact Lush carries loads of male orientated products for you guys that couldn't stand to use pink soap. You guys can get yourself a blue candle and some super manly shampoo and have a bit of 'me' time too. Don't say I don't think of you.

So off I go to change the bed and make dindins.
Love you all.