As you may know I have very high anxiety levels and the sheer volume of incidents where the jobcentre have made a mistake and sent me into a full blown panic attack, or a depression spiral, is ridiculous.
And thinking about it there are two reasons:
1) I'm honest. If I'd lied half of the time I wouldn't have had a problem. There are people that are out there, sitting on their behinds, eating their own swiftly growing bodyweight in junk food not worried in the slightest that their money won't come in because of a loophole in the paperwork. I religiously did everything they said and still got kicked around like an old football.
2) I'm in a civil partnership. Yes, I'm pulling the "I'm gay" card. I don't think it's intentional, but their system is so old it keeps trying to turn me into a man every time we're transferred. Yes everyone, I have been called a male name when someone called me from there. And I can think of no other reason than the fact that I am in a lesbian relationship and the antiquated computer cannot comprehend the idea.
And that's not all I have to complain about. If you've ever visited, or had the bad luck to be forced into, a branch of job centre plus you will know that there are two levels. Upstairs (where all the one to one interviews go on) and downstairs (Where everyone simply signs in). Now, upstairs they're very nice and polite and honestly care about you. Downstairs, they couldn't give two hoots. They can't even be bothered to remember the names of the other staff above them, or the policies that the jobcentre hold. They just basically tell you to go and bother someone else with your money troubles. They don't care if you haven’t got enough money for food, I doubt they'd even pee on you if you were on fire.
A system that is meant to help you in times of need does not want you. In fact some of the money they keep to help you get what you need to work they don't like you knowing anything about. When a man in my training group mentioned this Advisor Discressionary Grant they replied with "How do you know about that?” Yes people, they couldn't care less.
And as you may have heard the unemployment rates in England have gone down. Wonderful you say. Well, do you want to know the government’s dirty little secret? Every time they send someone on a mandatory training course they stop classing them as being on jobseekers allowance. So that figure that has dropped, hasn't dropped at all. It's been shifted. Well done Mr Cameron, you've spun it in your favour yet again. Well done for beating us down so hard no one will speak out about it. Well done for turning your country into a hub of lies and depression. I'm waiting for you to completely divide the rich and poor again. You truly are a great
Over and out comrades, I'm going back to my bunker.